About the Board of Directors
1. The district must have 5 directors as determined at the district's organizational election. |
2. The district must have one director listed as chair. |
3. Each Elected director's length of term must be 4 or fewer years. |
4. Each Appointed director must have a term that is for two years or less. |
5. Each director must have a valid, unexpired term. Please remember director positions should be staggered; a 5 member board has three four year terms up for one election and then two four year terms for the following election. However, due to appointments to vacancies several directors or even the entire board may be required to run for election at the same time for a combination of four year terms and two year terms. |
6. Each director must have an oath that is for the current term. |
7. Each director must have a current bond filed with the oath. |
Title 32-Article 1 Special Districts began the transition from even-year May elections to odd-year elections starting with the 5/5/20, election. For 2020 and 2022, directors will be elected to 3-year terms, which in those cases will constitute a full-term. Directors appointed to vacant board seats after the 2022 election will only serve until the 2023 election; other than that period, appointments will remain two years or less.
Current Board
Director | Title | Elected/Appointed | Chairman | Length of Term | Year Term Expires | Oath Date |
Julie Elarton | Chairman | Elected | Yes | 4 years | 2027 | 06/19/2023 |
Marshelle Gray | Treasurer | Appointed | No | 2 years | 2025 | 06/19/2023 |
Paul Jachim | Vice Chairman | Elected | No | 4 years | 2025 | 06/04/2018 |
Kris Davis | Board Member | Elected | No | 2 years | 2025 | 06/19/2023 |
Michael Taylor | Secretary | Elected | No | 4 years | 2027 | 06/19/2023 |